
Creating Directives

At TrustHandled, we understand how important it is for individuals and families to have up-to-date directives at all times – especially during medical emergencies when time is of the essence. Our platform offers an efficient, cost-effective option to ensure that your desires are respected and carried out.

We provide directive documents at a fraction of the cost that lawyers would charge. Our platform makes it easy to store and access these documents so that your wishes are clear and quickly available when needed. Every person should have directives, but unfortunately, many people don’t take the time to create them.


Directives and Why You Need One

A directive is a legal document that outlines your wishes in the event of a medical emergency. It allows you to make informed decisions about your medical care even if you are unable to communicate for yourself due to a serious illness or accident.

  • With a directive, you can decide what kind of treatments you don’t want and who should be making decisions for you in times of need.
  • It can help ensure that your end-of-life medical care preferences are respected: A directive allows you to specify the types of medical treatments you would like to receive (or not receive) if you become incapacitated and unable to make your own decisions.
  • To avoid conflict among those you love: Without a directive, those you love may disagree about what medical treatment you should receive. A directive helps ensure that your wishes are unambiguous, helping to avoid conflict and stress.
  • To avoid the need for a court-appointed guardian: If you don’t have a directive, a court may have to appoint a guardian to make medical decisions on your behalf. A directive allows you to appoint someone you trust to make these decisions for you when you cannot.
  • To protect your privacy: The process of determining end-of-life medical care can be emotionally charged and deeply personal. A directive allows you to have a say in these matters without having to discuss them publicly.
  • To provide peace of mind: Creating a directive gives you peace of mind knowing that your end-of-life care preferences are on record and will be respected. It can also provide peace of mind for your loved ones, knowing that they are acting following your wishes.

Peace of Mind, In Minutes

Create a Living Will & Other Estate Planning Documents in Minutes at a fraction of the cost.

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What Could Happen if You Don’t Have a Directive

  1. Without a directive, a court will have to decide what your wishes are and what should be done.
  2. Your medical preferences may not be protected.
  3. A court will appoint a guardian to make medical decisions on your behalf regardless of your wishes.
  4. Without a directive, your loved ones may be faced with the difficult task of deciding what medical treatment you should receive. This can be a great burden, especially if they are unsure of your preferences.

Why Should You Create & Store Your Trust With TrustHandled®?

We strive to provide an affordable service that keeps all documents organized and easily accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. We offer competitive prices that are far lower than what a lawyer would charge, meaning you can save money while ensuring all your important documents are in order.

With our streamlined service, you no longer need to worry about tracking down a lawyer or navigating complex legal paperwork—we do the hard work for you.

How Does TrustHandled Help With Creating A Will?

Wills are important legal documents, and our company makes it easy to create and store them.

Our platform provides a secure way to store these documents at a fraction of the cost of using a lawyer. It simplifies the process by providing an online form where customers enter their desired information and designate their trusted individuals/organizations who will serve as trustees.

After completing this form, TrustHandled® creates your Will based on what you want and need on a case-by-case basis and reviews all details before filing the completed document.

Once submitted, customers are given access to their own secure “vault” within our platform in which they can store their completed trust and other important documents – all organized in one convenient location!


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What Are The Steps Involved In Creating A Directive?

Creating your own directive document on our platform is easy and straightforward. All you need to do is:

  1. Answer some simple questions

    About your wishes for medical treatments in the event of an accident or illness that would leave you unable to communicate them yourself.

  2. You can choose who should make decisions on your behalf in these cases

    As well as list any specific instructions or requests related to your treatment, care, or other personal matters. As soon as this information is entered, our platform will generate your customized directive document which can then be printed out and stored securely in our system.

  3. Our directive document also includes

    Additional features such as a designated loved one access service that allows someone else to take over management of the document if needed, such as in the case of death or illness. With this service, a loved one can access, update, and manage the directive document quickly and easily on your behalf. Additionally, our platform also offers comprehensive data protection measures including encryption algorithms and secure storage protocols to ensure all documents remain private and confidential at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can indicate how you want your property to be split after you pass away via a will, a legal document. Additionally, you can utilize it to select a guardian for your children and an estate manager.

A will can be written by anyone who is of legal age and has the mental capacity to do so.

Your property will be distributed by your state’s intestacy rules if you die without leaving a will. This may result in your assets being distributed to individuals against your will or the guardianship of your children being chosen against your wishes.

You must make a will that complies with state legal specifications for it to be considered valid in your state. In front of witnesses who also sign it, you must also add your signature and the date.

Yes, you can change your will whenever you choose. Simply replace the outdated document with a new one that complies with state legal standards.

While having a lawyer draft your will is not required, doing so is strongly advised to make sure your wishes are understood and carried out as intended after your passing.

After your death, a legal procedure known as probate will be utilized to settle any disagreements regarding your will. To prevent any future disputes, it is essential to make sure your will is exact and comprehensive.

Peace of Mind, in Minutes

We’re committed to helping you make sure that all your wishes are documented in accordance with state laws, ensuring that everything goes smoothly when it comes time for them to be implemented.

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